The Malaysian Society for Hip and Knee Surgeons (MSHKS) is a professional organisation dedicated toadvancing orthopaedic surgery, with a focus on hip and knee procedures. Through various initiatives,the society strives to enhance education, support professional networking, and advocate for policiesthat improve patient care and uphold professional standards.
To promote education, training and sharing of information in the management of hip and kneeproblems particularly related to Degenerative Joint Diseases.
MSHKS organises workshops, conferences, and research programmes to ensure surgeons have accessto the latest developments and best practices in hip and knee surgery. It serves as a platform forprofessionals to exchange ideas and collaborate across institutions, fostering collective growth in thefield. The society also engages with policymakers and stakeholders to advocate for initiatives thatenhance patient care and support advancements in orthopaedic surgery.
For more information about the society and its activities, visit